Rich Presence U - 0.7.0 is now available

Version 0.7.0 is here! with a completely revamped interface, new features and improvements.
A new user interface
Completely revamped UI, designed to better match Discord’s app style. The main reason I made this new interface was to improve user experience while keeping it visually clean and simple to use. 🍇
Now the main layout is separated into 3 tabs: platform, details and title with step-by-step style, but it you can still jump directly to any tab you want by simply clicking on their icon.
There’s a new status bar on the upper left corner, it displays your connection status, applied settings, and warns you when any critical error occurs.
Multi-regional games
Rich Presence U now supports European and Japanese titles, that also includes exclusive icons for each region.
Since this is a newly added feature, by the time I’m posting this the title database for those regions are still fairly small.
Recently played games
A history for recently played games is stored whenever you change titles, individual settings for each title and region are stored as well.
Title renaming and extended glyphs
Now you can rename any existing titles on the database directly from the application, this along with a wider range of glyphs for your personalized titles.
Quick search link
For those curious about the game your are playing 👀, it displays a quick search button on your status, it uses the search query from official Nintendo websitesm but it will also depends on the region of your current title, if it’s a Japanese game, it will use the search query for instead of
Elapsed time
Elapsed can now be preserved even when changing games, that’s a optional feature that can be found in the Settings menu.
Dynamic updates
The database can be updated at any given time while the application is still running, you no longer have to restart the application to do this.
Ever wanted to use your own title database but you don’t know/want to modify and re-compile the code?
Now you can do that by simply replacing the URL in database.ini by the file path (or URL) of your custom database.cfg. As long as it has the same parameters as of the default database file.
Even though I’ve done a lot of tests and debugging to make sure that the new code is as stable as the previous version, one single person is not enough to ensure its full stability, specially when it comes to a full code rewrite. So still expect bugs, your feedback is very important. 💌