Unique icons for Wii titles (Wii U)

Unique icons for Wii titles

This is a collection featuring customized icons and splash screens for Wii titles on Wii U.

For those who don’t know: Nintendo had been publishing Wii games on the Wii U eShop for a long time, they work more or less as Virtual Console games, because of that they are installed on the Wii U menu instead of the Wii menu and all icons and splash screens follow the same template by default.

Here’s a look on an actual console:

Wii U Preview

I tried my best to give an unique personality for each game while designing their respective icons. Eventually I will be adding new titles to the collection

⬇️ Download

Note: The link above does not contain any tools for you to create injects, just the .PNG files I made, you can easily find tools for this purpose on GBATemp.

  • And for Nintedont users, I’m making icons for Nintendo GameCube titles as well. 🧊

UniMaker DX source code is now public!

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The first release version is here!