
NinStar's gdProject

A collection of add-ons for the Godot Engine. ➜


Once an add-on is enabled, its documentation can be accessed directly from the Godot IDE (F1).

  • NinePatchSprite2D - A Node2D that displays a texture by keeping its corners intact, but tiling its edges and center.
  • RangeContainer - A ScrollContainer that can be controlled by external Range nodes.
  • RemoteContainer - RemoteContainer pushes its own transform to another Control derived node in the scene.
  • ResourceOverrider - A node that replaces Resources on-the-fly using suffixes.
  • StateMachine Nodes - A set of Finite State Machine nodes for organizing and processing logic.
  • Icon AudioSyncPlayer Nodes - A set of Audio Player nodes that can be synchronized.


Every add-on in the repository has an example scene, just open the project in Godot and run it (F5).

Example scene

All example scenes are self-contained as part of their own submodules and can be easily transferred to any other project.

UniMaker DX source code is now public!

Play Sonic Mania on the Wii U

Introducing gdProject