
NinStar's gdProject

A collection of add-ons for the Godot Engine. ➜


Once an add-on is enabled, its documentation can be accessed directly from the Godot IDE (F1).

  • NinePatchSprite2D - A Node2D that displays a texture by keeping its corners intact, but tiling its edges and center.
  • RangeContainer - A ScrollContainer that can be controlled by external Range nodes.
  • RemoteContainer - RemoteContainer pushes its own transform to another Control derived node in the scene.
  • ResourceOverrider - A node that replaces Resources on-the-fly using suffixes.
  • StateMachine Nodes - A set of Finite State Machine nodes for organizing and processing logic.
  • Icon AudioSyncPlayer Nodes - A set of Audio Player nodes that can be synchronized.


Every add-on in the repository has an example scene, just open the project in Godot and run it (F5).

Example scene

All example scenes are self-contained as part of their own submodules and can be easily transferred to any other project.

Introducing gdProject

UniMaker DX source code is now public!

Play Sonic Mania on the Wii U