The Hardest Thing I've Ever Had to Share.

This is a message about me and my health, which can influence all my work from now on, so I ask that you read the whole text carefully. Although it can be a little extensive and may contain some mistakes, it is still extremely important. First, some context: At the end of 2015, while in school, I started to experience some visual anomalies, I was seeing some small black spots on my vision whenever I move my eyes, at first I was extremely worried, so I went to the doctor and did all the indicated examinations, he said my eyesight was normal and he told me that the things I was seeing inside my eyes were “floaters” and wasn’t something to be too worried about. It took me a while to get used to these things in the eyes, but I was also seeing some weird spots on my eyes, which seemed to grow bigger every day, and unlike the floaters those didn’t move. (Sorry if it seems confusing, it’s the best I can describe) So I went to a second doctor, did all the necessary exams again and he said...