A fresh new look

I've been wanting to do this for a while, but due to lack of free time I couldn't do it sooner. But here we are, the blog now has a new look! But why? There are a few reasons why I decided to make these changes, some of which include feedback from the users. If you didn't know, you can send your suggestions for any of my projects through this form I switched from Soho to Contempo, which was my previous base theme, the HTML is a lot cleaner for me to implement my own changes, it made it easier for me to make the UI more mobile-friendly. 📱️ Another thing is that I tried to make the look more consistent to the one used in my Carrd (animations, buttons, etc...), which I use to share this blog and my other social networks. As always, I will still be improving more of the blog features as time goes on. Don't forget that you can share your feedback through the form linked above, your opinions are always welcome! 💙️